Got a great night of sleep. Really feel rested and ready to go. I also had my first hot shower in days. Not complaining just saying it is nice to have a hot shower.
Today we are going to the market to find out what type of goods are sold and where they are from.
The market was a lot of fun. I walked around with Mike, Chris, Olivia and Megan. I really enjoyed seeing all the sights and sounds of the market. We were told to visit the various vendors and see what goods they have and how the acquired their goods. Their was quite a bit of vegetables, fruits, meats, music, clothes, bike parts. If you name it, it was probably there. I enjoyed walking around the market with Mike. He is hilarious and has cracked me up.

I also enjoyed seeing and joking with the local kids. The kids hang around the vendors and act as baggers at grocery stores would. However rather than carts being used it is wheel barrows in this case. The kids were adorable. They were very interested in us and enjoyed following us around the market. These kids had no desire to pickpocket either. They worked hard for their money. One boy in particular I messed around with. While he was laying in his wheel barrow I picked it up and took him for a ride. He enjoyed that and we both had a good laugh over it.
I had fun joking with these kids.
Speakers everwhere, humongous speakers on cars are visible also.
This boy got some work
While walking around the market, we came across the meat market. I have been to interesting meat markets in Latin and South America. This one ranked up there with Ecuador. I think I saw every type of meat you could think of. The smell was overpowering.
Sorry two pictures should've been enough
After the market we went to a lace outlet. There was also a tomato canning factory and a museum dedicated to a reporter from the area. I wasn't into the canning factory or the lace outlet. But some people were so that is worth it to me. I did enjoy seeing the journalists memorabilia. He had lots of cameras, radios, pictures, currencies, and sewing machines. Just a lot of stuff he accumulated from life and travel.
After we visited the lace and embroidery outlet we went back to Caruaru for lunch. We stopped at a shopping mall where it was announced there was a McDonalds. Some on the bus cheered in excitement. I got a McFlurry which was pretty scrumptious. The mall seemed to be rather expensive. I expected to find products to be more inexpensive down here. However for clothing and shoes that has not been the case. After the shopping mall we headed back to base camp, Mercure hotel in Recife